How to Improve Your Yard's Drainage

How to Improve Your Yard's Drainage

Active drainage is the key to a healthy, vibrant yard. Without it, water can accumulate, leading to waterlogged soil, root rot, and damage to your lawn and garden landscaping. At Wise Oak, our lawn care and Vermont garden landscaping services address any drainage challenge your yard may face. Read on and connect with us today to learn more!

Sitting water

Identifying Problems

Watch for signs like standing water after rain, soggy soil, or plants that look unhealthy due to excess moisture. These symptoms often indicate poor drainage, compacted soil, or an improperly graded landscape.

Shovel and mulch

Grade Your Yard

Control the water flow of your yard. By creating a slight slope away from your home's foundation and other structures, you can direct water runoff toward a designated drainage area. Wise Oak landscapers in Vermont assess your yard's current grading and make the necessary adjustments to keep water from pooling in unwanted areas.

Rain falling on flowers

Rain Gardens

By planting water-tolerant plants in a low-lying area, you can create a beautiful garden feature that absorbs and filters runoff. This approach improves drainage and provides a habitat for local wildlife.

Dirt from aeration

Aerate Your Lawn

Compacted soil can severely impact drainage and cause water to pool. Lawn aeration involves perforating the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots, promoting better drainage. Making water absorb more effectively, the small aeration punctures help break up compacted soil, allowing excess water to flow into the ground rather than sitting on the surface.

Improving your yard's drainage can make your space both healthier and more enjoyable for your family. Don’t let poor drainage ruin your landscape's beauty or cause long-term damage. Get in touch with Wise Oak today, and let's turn your yard from soggy to stunning. Drain your worries away with landscaping help!

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